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Andre Vital (in memoriam)

Costume Designer and Visagist

Andre Vital has a degree in fashion design from Colégio Veiga de Almeida, a professor in the area of drawing and beauty at Senac Rio from 1995 to 2005. He has been working with image and visagism design at Rio Carnival since 99. Visagist and costume designer for Os Ciclomáticos Cia of Theater since its foundation, visagist of the show "Mania de Explicação" by Gabriel Vilela, where he was nominated visagism in the CBTIJ 2014 Award, costume designer and visagist of the dance show "Desejo de Mim" of the Focus Cia de Dança and costume designer and visagist of show "O matador de Santas" by the group Loucatores, visagismo of the front committee of the Samba School Unidos da Tijuca 2015. Winner of 42 theater awards in the area of costumes and visagism.

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Andre Vital

Cachalote Mattos

Set designer

Christiano Cesar Mattos Dias (name of the artist Cachalote Mattos), set designer graduated from UFRJ- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, master in scenic arts from UNIRIO Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, with extensive experience in scenography for theater, cinema, show music, corporate events, exhibitions, music clips. In the theater he worked with directors Augusto Boal, Antonio Pedro, Luiz Antonio Pillar, Sergio Sanches, Eduardo Gama and Ribamar Ribeiro, among others, in various theatrical performances. Created scenarios for shows and clips, by Rapa, Black City and Martinho da Vila. Commercial for films for conspiracy films, Fuzo films and Natasha films. Exhibitions and events for companies like Jeep, Firjan, Petrobrás.

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Cachalote Mattos
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Carla Meirelles

Actress and Director

Actress graduated from Senac RJ, Carla Meirelles has a degree in Social Work and a postgraduate degree and HR Management also acts as a manager of social responsibility projects at Senac. He studied and worked with renowned artists from different areas, such as Augusto Boal, Antonio Pedro, Celina Conde, Joãozinho 30, Marília Martins, Suzana Kruger, Moacir Góes and Ana Kfouri. She is one of the founders of “Os Ciclomáticos Cia de Teatro”, performing various functions such as: costume designer, sound and producer. Her newest role is director of the show "Antes que o Galo Cante", participating in several festivals in Brazil and abroad and being awarded several times. He was part of the Executive Council of the Federation of Theater Associations of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FETAERJ). Currently, she works as an artistic director and choreographer at Escola Grêmio Recreativo Samba Grande Rio, where she played the same role in the associations Mangueira, Portela and Rocinha.

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Carla Meirelles
Fabíola Rodrigues

Fabiola Rodrigues

Actress, Writer and Director

She is a director graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a postgraduate degree in Institutional Psychopedagogy from AVM-Cândido Mendes, studied interpretation and body language at Centro Artístico Experimental - SESC RIO, under the coordination of Ana Kfouri. Member of the Company since 2003, as an actress and director, she entered the role of playwright in 2006 in the children's program “Antes que o Galo Cante”, written jointly with Ribamar Ribeiro. Coordinator and instructor of social projects at SENAC RIO, she has worked with development and social inclusion since 1998 and collaborates with APAE, SEFRAS and CIEDS. Awarded as an actress, director and playwright at nationally recognized festivals, she participates in several shows performed by the company, including her most recent work as an actress, the musical “Casa Grande e Senzala - Manifesto Musical Brasileiro”. Currently as an art educator, she researches and develops projects around the universe of stories.

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Fabíola Rodrigues

Fernanda Dias

Actress and Choreographer

Fernanda Dias is a Social Worker, Actress formed by SENAC RIO and the Center for Experimental Artistic Studies at SESC RIO, Coordination Ana Kfouri. Specialist in Body Preparation for Performing Arts, graduated from the School of Dance Angel Vianna RJ, also acts as a dancer and researcher of black dances, graduated in Afro-Brazilian Dances and Contemporary African Dances from Senegal, graduated from Ecole Des Sables in Senegal, Africa 2015 One of the founders of Ciclomáticos Companhia de Teatro, with the group, performed with theatrical performances in several states in Brazil, also in Europe and Latin America. Since 2009 she has collaborated with the Centro do Teatro do Oprimido, CTO, created by Augusto Boal, where she works as an actress, choreographer and body trainer for the groups Cor do Brasil and Coletivo Madalenas Anastácia. With these two groups, he participated in 2010 in the World Festival of Black Arts in Senegal and in 2011, FESTILIP Festival of Portuguese Language in 2013. In 2015, he participated in the 1st International Festival of Madeleines held in Patagonia, Argentina. He develops a research called Laboratory of the Roots of Movement, where he researches the dances of African matrices, as a proposal for the preparation of the body for the performing arts. The laboratory has already been carried out in France, Croatia, Rio de Janeiro and Nicaragua.

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Fernanda Dias
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Getulio Nascimento

Actor, Makeup Artist and Vocal Trainer

Getulio Nascimento is an actor and singer, graduated in Visual Arts, is a member of Os Ciclomáticos Companhia de Teatro and a member of CTI - Comunidade Teatral de Independente. In addition to acting, he also works as a singer, vocal trainer, performing arts teacher and makeup artist. He participated in several shows as an actor, among them: “Casa Grande e Senzala - Brazilian Musical Manifesto”, “Salve Ela - Carolina Maria de Jesus em Cena”, “GENET - Os Anjos Must Die”, “About Lies and Secrets”, “ Before the Galo Cante ”,“ O Maldito ”,“ O Noviço ”, among other works. As a singer, he recorded the soundtrack for the show “O Garoto que não que bem laugh” with Companhia Escaramucha de Teatro and tracks for Os Ciclomáticos Companhia de Teatro and performs with his show "Caminhos e Andanças". As Vocal Trainer, he worked on the show "Ariano - O Cavaleiro Sertanejo", "Casa Grande e Senzala - Brazilian Musical Manifesto" with Os Ciclomáticos Companhia de Teatro, with CTI - Independent Theatrical Community and vocal coach in the Formation Courses of Class-Shows for Performing Arts Profes from the Municipal Education Secretariat of Rio de Janeiro. He studied at the Martins Pena Theater Technical School and at SENAC Rio. He is a professor at SESC Rio and also taught Theater at AVICRES - Associação Vida no Crescimento na Solidariedade, at the Engenho de Dentro, Madureira and Niterói SESCs, and at Espaço Cultural Brasil working with needy children and teenagers. He has 9 awards and 4 nominations as an Actor, among them, the Paschoalino Award given by FETAERJ - Rio de Janeiro State Federation of Associative Theater and FENATA. It also has 4 awards and 2 nominations for Best Makeup at Theater festivals.

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Getulio Nascimento
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Juliana Santos

Actress, Speech Therapist and

Vocal Trainer

Graduated as an actress at the Martins Penna Theater School since 2001. Member of the Os Ciclomáticos Theater Company, a 19-year-old company with national and international recognition, where she acts as an actress and vocal coach. Presented by all regions of Brazil and abroad. She has awards as an actress across the country. He worked with several directors, including Amir Haddad, Ribamar Ribeiro, Rose Abdalla and Elza de Andrade. He worked in public education projects taking culture to the entire state. As an educator, she worked closely with CRAS –RJ and SENAC –RJ on social projects. As a vocal trainer, she was a teacher of vocal techniques at SENAC Galpão de Arte e Cidadania and at Colégio Estácio de Sá. In addition to being vocal preparer for the shows Doroteia and Álbum da Família with the company Guerreiro and several shows of the Companhia de Teatro Os Ciclomáticos, she also works on the project “DNA dos Os Ciclomáticos”.

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Juliana Santos

Julio Cesar Ferreira

Actor and Director

He is an actor and theater director. As an actor, he has experience in web cinema and theater. He develops his work at Cia, having participated in several nationally successful montages with "About lies and secrets", "Genet - Angels must die" and "Casa grande e senzala - Brazilian musical manifesto", among others. As an actor, he received several national awards, having worked in several regions of Brazil and abroad (Peru, France, Germany, Holland and Belgium). As an actor and director, he researched "physical theater" and worked in several theater companies, including "the hypocrites" and "Grutta theater", where he directed Nelson Rodrigues' "wedding dress". Currently, the web is in the cast of the series “Nomade 7”, by Flavio Langoni, and “3%”, by Cesar Charlone, which are scheduled to go to Netflix in 2016. In the films, it is in the cast of “The left side of Everton Frank ”. the poet".

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Julio Cesar Ferreira
Mauro Carvalho

Mauro Carvalho

Actor, Choreographer and Illuminator

Mauro Carvalho is an actor, director and illuminator, trained in actor and lighting. Twenty national lighting awards. Member of Os Ciclomáticos Companhia de Teatro as an actor and light designer. Among the shows that Mauro Carvalho performed are the shows: "Super Coffin or Dream of a wake night", "About Lies and Secrets" and the show "Genet - Os Anjos Must Die". Senac Rio professor in Arts, Fashion and Sustainability since 1991. He also develops light projects for several theater companies.

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Nivea Nascimento

Actress and Designer and Costume Designer

Graduated in Fashion Production Technique and member of Os Ciclomáticos Cia de Teatro since 2006, she works as treasurer, costume designer and actress. At the company, she won several national and international awards, such as Peru, Germany and France. She also integrates as a costume designer and actress CTI - Comunidade Teatral Independente, which consists of a cultural movement from the north of Rio de Janeiro, thereby accumulating several other awards. As a costume designer, in addition to a workshop designer, he brings the signature of the show "Avesso" with CTI, his most recent work; also signs the costumes for the shows: "O Noviço" and "Cegos" (both winners of the Best Costume Award), as well as "What I did to deserve this" and "O Beijo no Asfalto" also with CTI; "A Farça do Poder" "by Central Company 111, among others. As an actress, she has already performed more than 20 (twenty) shows that have earned her several awards and nominations. The last four works were:" Avesso "with CTI," A Farra do Boi Bumbá "," Casa Grande e Senzala - Brazilian Musical Manifesto "and My soul is nothing after this story" with Os Ciclomáticos Cia de Teatro.

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Nívea Nascimento
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Renato Neves

Actor and Director

Graduated in Social Communication, Business Administration, Performing Arts and with some postgraduate studies in Education. One of the founders and executive director of Os Ciclomáticos Cia de Teatro, he is an actor, director, sound designer, winner of several national theater awards, acting in all regions of Brazil and abroad (Peru, Germany, France). She is one of the leaders of the Independent Theater Community (CTI), which develops training and promotion through culture in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro. As a director, he brings his resume "Super Coffin or Dream of a Night of Waiting" with Os Ciclomáticos. He has extensive experience as a director and actor trainer, where he worked with several theater companies. His last works as director were “O jealous of a pedestrian”, with Cia Atores do Carmo, “O judge of peace”, with Fios Cia de Teatro, “Valsa nº 6”, with Cia Circulo Teatral and “Avesso” , with CTI - Comunidade Teatral Independente, in partnership with Ribamar Ribeiro. He also acts as an instructor in Interpretation and Direction courses. He has been a member of the Executive Board of FETAERJ for several years, where he held various positions (now Vice-President). He coordinates important projects developed by FETAERJ, such as the State Theater Festival - Paschoalino Award, Fetaerj in Cena Curta, among others. He also acts as a curator in public contracts and a judge at theater festivals.

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Renato Neves

Ribamar Ribeiro

Actor, Director, Writer and Producer

Ribamar Ribeiro is an actor, director, playwright, producer, teacher and sound designer. He has a degree in Visual Arts and a Master's Degree in Arts at UERJ. He has written and directed more than 50 theatrical performances.

He is Artistic Director of Os Ciclomáticos Companhia de Teatro and CTI - Comunidade Teatral Independente. As an actor, he has worked with André Paes Leme, Marília Martins, José da Costa and Nanci de Freitas and Antônio Abujamra. It has more than 40 awards throughout Brazil. Professor at FUNARTE, SENAC Rio and SESC Rio. He gave workshops and lectures at Universities: UNIRIO, UFBA, Rural University and Estácio de Sá; and also at International Festivals: Lima - Peru, France and Germany. In 2006 he directed the musical about samba: "É Isso Aí, Irajá!", By Nei Lopes. In 2013 he writes and directs "Casa Grande e Senzala - Brazilian Musical Manifesto" winner of the Rio de Janeiro State Government's Award for Scenic Assembly. In 2015 he received the International Prize at the International Festival of Latin American Theater in Lima, Peru, as director and playwright for language research. He also participates in the Santiago a thousand festival in the Brazilian Committee of the Ministry of Culture in Chile. In 2018 he was a juror of the Playwriting Competition for Children and Youth - FUNARTE - 2018. In 2020 he participates in the Stage Direction Laboratory of X FESTEPE - International Festival of Theater and Performance in Chancay - Lima - Peru.

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Ribamar Ribeiro
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