The show was sponsored by the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro, through the Edict of Culture 2008 promoted by the Secretary of State for Culture of the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
With a decadent cabaret-theater as a backdrop, the show tells the story of Madame, Divina, Mignon,
Mimosa III, Our Lady of Flowers and Genet. All this wrapped up in a lot of sordid suspense, where everyone wants to be Madame. Madame has no sex, Madame has no color, Madame has no age. All are like angels. And angels must die. The plot brings a fictional biographical plot about the universe of Jean Genet, through the vision of director and playwright Ribamar Ribeiro.
Carla Meirelles – Divina / Genet
Getulio Nascimento – Our Lady of Flowers / Genet
Julio Cesar Ferreira - Mignon / Genet
Mauro Carvalho – Mimosa III / Genet
Renato Neves – Madame / Genet
Authorship and Direction: Ribamar Ribeiro
Assistant director: Fabiola Rodrigues and Renato Neves
Dramaturgy and Research: Ribamar Ribeiro
Clothing, Visagismo and Props: André Vital
prop maker: Nívea Nascimento
Seamstresses: Aldacy Souza e Silva and Claudinéia
Scenography: Cachalote Mattos and Ribamar Ribeiro
Scenography Assistant: Julio Cesar Ferreira
Stage technician: Martins
Lighting: Mauro Carvalho
stagehand: Fernanda Dias and Nívea Nascimento
Sound Operation: Ribamar Ribeiro
Photography: Henrique Moreno, Juliana Santos, Nívea Nascimento and Renato Neves
Visual programming: Fernando Alves
Filming: DV Doc Filmes
Sound editing and recording: Tiago da Silveira
Musical Research and Sound Design: Ribamar Ribeiro
Body Preparation: Evelyn Lima and Ribamar Ribeiro
Choreography: Evelyn Lima
Vocal Preparation: Fabrício Ramos and Karina Ôchoa
Production Direction: Renato Neves and Ribamar Ribeiro
Production Assistant: Nívea Nascimento
Direction and Production: Os Ciclomáticos Theater Company